Parth Waidya

Indira Nagar · Nashik, Maharashtra CO 422009 · +91 9923 352 751 ·

I am experienced in developing realtime Software applications and Problem analysis for providing robust enterprise level business solutions




I work on various freelancing projects including Machine Learning, Mobile apps, Data science etc.

January 2019 - Present

Technical Director

AppCraftz Nashik

Innovative mobile applications for productivity enhancement, Smart traffic management using Machine Learning.

September 2016 - Present


University of Pune

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering

First Class with Distinction

June 2013 - May 2016

Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education

Diploma In Engineering
Computer Engineering

First Class with distinction

April 2010 - March 2013


Programming Languages
IDE's and Tools
  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Spyder
  • Amazon Web Services - DynamoDb
  • Amazon Web Services - EC2
  • Amazon Web Services - Rekognition

Portfolio Projects

Smart Traffic violation detection system

Machine Learning / Computer Vision

A one of its kind traffic violation detection system using the power of Machine Learning to detect traffic offenders. This system is installed in Nashik City

Animal weight estimation using neural networks

Machine Learning / Computer Vision

Used for estimating animal weights on a farm using neural networks

A BERT Tokenizer for chatbot


This tokenizer was used for tokenizing input sentences from a crude database and was used for training a chatbot model.

Data Scraping systems

Selenium/ Python

I have worked on multiple data scraping systems used by businesses for collecting data for business intelligence / ML etc

Sale Track


A CRM system for managing your office from your pocket

Youtube :

Demo Video

Mini Ship Mobile Game


A hyper casual mobile game

Playstore :

Download Link


Apart from being a developer and a tinkerer, I enjoy travelling, Driving & Eating. I am always looking for places with good food.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I spend a large amount of my free time in tinkering and working on personal projects as well as reading about new advancements in technologies around the world.

Awards & Certifications

  • FBStart Award - One of my apps "Speaker Tester" won the FBStart Bootstrap and was awarded $20,000 worth of free services from Facebook and its Partners.